Monday, January 7, 2013

A List of Victims

My Kills Gave Me Great Pleasure.

And my kill list is very long.

I will give you a list and quick summary of a few of my kills although these are not all of them, just a few and most known cases:

Julia and her daughter Pearl Conner: Julia was formerly married to Icilius "Ned" Conner before they moved to Chicago and decided to get a divorce, which was my fault because I had been sleeping with her. After Ned moved away and remarried, Julia and Pearl stayed with me at my hotel until Julia told me that she was pregnant with our baby. I had begun to grow repulsed at the idea of living with Julia and her daughter and so I decided that I would get rid of them. I told Julia we would marry soon but first we had to kill the baby, for it meant that I had been sleeping around with her during her previous marriage. She agreed and on Christmas Eve 1891, she put Pearl to bed and went with me to a secret room where instead of performing an abortion, I killed her by giving her too much chloroform. After I was finished with Julia, I did the same to little Pearl. By the time I was finished, the clock struck 12; it was Christmas Day. I disposed the bodies immediately.

Emeline Cigrand: Before I met her, she worked as a stenographer to Dr. Keeley. As time went on, I courted her and asked for her hand in marriage; she accepted. In the early days of December 1892, her feelings for me had begun to diminish and she started talking about leaving me. Then one day, I asked her to come to my study and go into my vault to retrieve a paper. She went in and I quickly closed the door. I had poured acid on the floor before her entry and so she died by acid, although she left her foot print on the door, leaving a notice to those who inspected the door, that she had been murdered in that vault.

Anna "Nannie" and Minnie Williams: Minnie I had met previously in a visit to Boston and after inviting her to my home in Chicago many a time, she agreed to come. I used my charm to make her fall in love with me and when Minnie wrote this to her sister, Anna, she received a unsure and questioning response; Anna wasn't sure that I was the gentleman I was chalked up to be. Before Anna could have much say in the matter, in 1893, I "married" Minnie in the presence of a fake preacher so we were never truly married. I invited Anna to spend the summer in Englewood, so she could understand why Minnie loved me so much and she agreed. After a few weeks, I tired of them both and promised to take Anna to Europe but first I had small business matters to take care of in my office and it was there that I told both ladies to go into the vault and retrieve some papers for me. After they entered the door closed and both women were suffocated. 

*These Next Cases Were My Most Known and Most Fun Deaths I Had Taken Yet
Mr. Benjamin Pitezel: Pitezel was a unintelligent idiot who did anything I told him to."'From the first hour of our acquaintance, even before I knew that he had a family who would later afford me additional victims for the gratification of my blood-thirstiness, I intended to kill him,'" (386). I had him take out a life insurance policy, with me as the secondary beneficiary, and told him that we were going to con the insurance company by faking his death. Instead, I killed him. He was burned to death by yours truly. 

Nellie, Alice, and Howard Pitezel: After Mr. Pitezel died, I told Mrs. Pitezel that I would take the kids off her hands and would meet up with her in a short period of time. She agreed and never saw her children again. I took the children to Boston, Indianapolis, Philadelphia, and possibly more places but I won't tell you. Nellie and Alice, I stuffed into a trunk and after a few hours pumped a poisonous gas into it. The girls were buried in Toronto, Canada, in the basement of a rented house. Howard was strangled by myself and I dismembered and burned his body, then buried it in a house outside Indianapolis.

Alice and Howard Pitezel

Nellie Pitezel                


  1. It's difficult to understand how anyone could get so evil.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sometimes, it's the society's fault though I'm not sure about this. Some highly-intelligent people are evil because they aren't happy with many things that the average people are happy with. They are able to see many things that some people can't and that made them think about it and become unhappy.

    I'm considered intelligent and I had evil thoughts too but I'm sure I'm won't end up killing. :D
